These pages are compiled from a number of sources. I've found Philip Eden's column in The Sunday Telegraph (and, to a lesser extent, the Daily Telegraph on Saturdays) and Bob Prichard's Wednesday Weatherwatch column in the Guardian, and more recently Paul Simons' excellent daily columns in The Times, to be particularly helpful. BBC Ceefax (remember that?) was another useful source. Stirling's (1997) The weather of Britain is superb, as is Eden's Weatherwise. The COL Bulletin, Journal of Meteorology and Weather provide some useful information; the Weatherlog section of the latter provides wonderful monthly summaries. Kenneth Gannon, Bill Hindmarsh, Peter Kelsey, Kevin Phillips, Michael Wylie, Julen Benney, and Ian Rippey, among others, have also some supplied some data. Philip Eden  kindly answered many questions, and prevented numerous errors; these pages would not be possible in this form without his help. I am particularly grateful to him for the bases of the recent monthly summaries. I am also most grateful to my many weather chums on the newsgroup for those interested in the British weather,, from which I've gleaned many useful pieces of information. The Met Office is a wonderful source of information, including a monthly update. I would like to thank all these people. I have tried to reference all my sources here, but if you feel I missed something, or should make a credit more prominent, or add another, please just email me.

If I say something like "the warmest month of the year", unless otherwise stated this will be according to the CET (Central England Temperature) series (created by the British climatologist Gordon Manley [1902-1980]). Similarly "driest" applies to the England and Wales average; things might have been very different in the north of Scotland! I tend to mix units a bit. The Met Office switched to Celsius from Fahrenheit as early as 1 Janaury 1961, and weather forecasts on 15 October 1962, but before then, and for a while after, temperatures were often recorded and reported in ºF rather than ºC. Similarly in the past rainfall and snow were recorded and reported in inchess rather than millimeters. For these older records I tend to switch around a bit, but remember that early records converted to C and mm might involve some small loss of accuracy. I also admit to being a little inconsistent.

I maintain these pages as a hobby: I am a psychologist, not a meteorologist. Given I am just an amateur, I obviously can't vouch for the accuracy of the information here, but I've done my best. Note though that I know nothing that isn't here, so if you want to know what the weather was like on a certain date, and the information isn't here, I won't know. There's even less point asking what the weather's going to be like in three months time, or asking me in March if June is going to be good for weddings, or in October if it will be a White Christmas, because no one knows. I maintain this site in my spare time, as a hobby, and time is always limited.

These pages represent a huge amount of time and work on my part. Please do not copy them without my permission.

I'd be interested to know of any errors, omissions, and possible needed additions; my email address is: [email protected].

Extreme weather: Acknowledgements and caveats