Weather and behaviour

How does the weather affect behaviour? Are we more likely to riot on a hot summer's night? Get depressed in winter? Shop when it's sunny? Gert angry when it's humid? I call this area of reserach psychometeorology.

The weather and climate can affect us in many surprising ways. It can even affect who we elect as our leaders and government.

For much more information, see my book on weather and behaviour:

The Psychology of Weather. (2018.) Routledge. In The Psychology of Everything series, this book is about the relationship between psychology and the weather. Does the weather affect our mood? Why is suicide more common in late spring and early summer? What is seasonal affect disorder? How does the weather affect our shopping decisions. Why do some people believe in global warming while others deny it so vigorously?

It's available in all bookshops and online retailers. Here is the link to it on Amazon UK.

In the book I say I provide a list of the references used and they are provided here. I can't guarantee that the list is absolutely complete or error-free, and some of the citation fields might be empty, but if you are interested in the subject I hope you find it useful. If you can, please cite this site if possible, so that others might benefit.

Sunshine and behaviour. Most people enjoy the sunshine (although there are exceptions - one reason why it is difficult to find strong effects of weather on behaviour is because there are so many individual differences). The sun is good for us, but it can also be dangerous. Sunshine helps reset our body clocks, gives us Vitamin C, aids the immune system, reduces blood pressure, and might improve mood. It is best tfor most people to get some sunlight every morning. The midday sun can be very strong, even when the air is cool, and surprisingly early in the year. If I can, I avoid going out between 11 and 5 without sunblock. Try and avoid going red, and at all costs avoid sunburn.